Categorie: value

Paying the fish? Yes and no. And yes…!

After writing about “paying the fish,” it kept on nagging me. [1] Because it remains a search for the true essence of money, or in other words, the essence of compensating each other for labor and services without ruining everything. I’d like to share this here and am open to…

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Not De-Growth but Re-Growth !

Degrowth is currently a topic of significant interest, presenting the idea of “degrowing” as a necessity to address our problems. (this is based on a previous article on Linkedin). The implicit message is clear and seems to point in the right direction. However, it all depends on how we define…

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the rest-impact of recycled materials

Recycled materials, once created their impact on the environment, in many forms, and if that (negative) impact is not repaired or compensated, those materials still carry an impact in a second life. In other words , they cannot be considered impact free resources at the time of recycling, at any…

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Is Art innocent…? and what about Musk or Putin?

Why does someone throw a can of soup against a van Gogh? Everyone was shocked. Either because of the van Gogh, how dare they, or because of the soup, from a multinational company, not an oil company or something, or because of the ‘soup-against-art’. What a strange way to bring…

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Change, back then and now

Everything used to be better, in former times, the older generations think. The Youngsters don’t know the old days so think it’s all better now, that’s their standard. It’s always a bit more nuanced, of course. But let’s turn it around, question the elder with regard to the younger standard:…

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the creating-debtors-theory of money…

Time for yet another ‘episode’ in my series on ‘money’. I am trying to ‘understand’ things, that’s how this episode regarding money should be read. A rediscovered old research sheds some light in the darkness. Virtually everything today is expressed in money, and everything is also measured in money: even…

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land (-potential) as the new money standard

Someone suggested recently to think about a new money standard. Well, thats a challenge, so I did. Since money is a virtual unit of trade, not based on any actual value. Not anymore, at least, since we left the barter economy and entered the money exchange economy, somewhere around 1600,…

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Time for claiming penalty payments by the government

If the government does not protect the citizen, but its decisions are influenced by a few rebellious farmers, some flying fanatics, some screaming builders, and exporting parasites, then it’s time for action. After all, we have appointed civil servants and parliament to serve the citizen’s interests. Not business, in the…

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A square, music, and musings on Value

One of the most authentic squares I have ever ‘occupied’ , and one that I consider the best when it comes to symbolizing sustainable living, is in … ..: Well, I’m not going to tell where exactly, otherwise it might become too lively. As the city of Maastricht has experienced…

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