Categorie: solarpanels
Posted by ronald rovers Posted on 7 november 2020
Posted in assessment, climateneutral, CO2, embodied energy, energy, future, money, policies, politics, resources, solar energy, solarpanels, transition
Before we hurry covering everything with solar panels, let’s reason a bit further, because since my first experiences with renewable energy, many new insights have emerged. Those first experiences I had when building a “Bicycle wheel windmill”, as described in the “Windwerkboek” of the time. [1] ( Wind Work Guide)….
Posted by ronald rovers Posted on 26 oktober 2020
Posted in 0-energy, architecture, climate, climateneutral, CO2, embodied energy, energy, energyneutral, materials, nZEB, resources, solar energy, solarpanels, transition
As we want to get rid of fossil fuels, we will at least have to develop everything now without fossil fuels. And in any case the operational energy. In the case of new buildings this leads to “0-energy buildings”, which generate as much renewable energy as required, locally, and thus…