Categorie: behaviour
The Earth is a physical subsystem of the universe, and the physical processes within it are fairly well-known and describable. For example, concentrated reserves of raw materials are limited, and within such a finite system, infinite growth (organization of molecules) is not possible. This is bound by limits, just as…
Everything that doesn’t last at least 50 years is a step backward. It signifies a decline in the physical-biological system potential. If that system—Earth—is already fully burdened, beyond regeneration capacity, or I other words: if we are living above our personal resource bubble (beyond our physical-biological means), it becomes extremely…
We are often called upon to change our behavior: stop buying bullshit, fly less, avoid fast fashion. Sometimes, it is even enforced by the government: buy an electric car, insulate your house, or install a mandatory heat pump, for example. A call for ‘flying less’ however doesn’t translate to flying…
Lets look ate the climate problem in another way: At a 1.5-degree increase, you have a fever, 38.5 degrees. You stay stay indoors, and move as little as possible; you don’t want to cause further damage. Because in various activities, you quickly start sweating and get tired. You won’t train…
I have to admit, capitalism has worked, allowing us, at least in our part of the world, to live in luxury. Even the poorer part of society here with us don’t have it as bad as in large parts of the rest of the world. However, the whole system has…
I’m not much into a kind of spiritual approach, at least, as a beta scientist I’m not sure how to deal with that. I’m more into physics, what can we prove (or at least: what we can’t change…). On a fundamental level that is, not within limited system boundaries where…
A significant part of humanity is engaged in say “pushing papers around” not really contributing to generating value, physical value that is: investing and capturing energy, for example, processing materials, growing plants and food. They are engaged in trading in it, to make as much profit as possible, or writing…
On a recent trip, in one of the excursions I was sitting in a bus behind a young couple. The bus had just stopped for a pee and drink break, and as soon as we were driving the guy in front of me turned on the video on his phone,…
Well, since we’re grumbling anyway, like last time, let’s do this one too, to end the year. We are constantly led astray, by the way messages are send out, by companies, organizations, and the press. Its about the way a certain subject is portrayed. Not only with regard to direct…
There is a lot of chatter around, with no understanding of the real issues. I’m sorry, but I’m going to defend this position for once.. The nonsense I hear and see in talk shows, news, or read in newspapers, regarding climate and environment, is really unlimited. What they add to…