Categorie: autark

about Old (indigenous) and New ( physical) Knowledge

I’m not much into a kind of spiritual approach, at least, as a beta scientist I’m not sure how to deal with that. I’m more into physics, what can we prove (or at least: what we can’t change…). On a fundamental level that is, not within limited system boundaries where…

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A Cuban style ‘Special Period’, now for the capitalist world?

Or: is this the 1,5 degree economy? As the walls fell, back in 1989, the world was in turmoil, and the perspective on a lot of things changed. Not the least the (declining) fear for a nuclear war of course. But even more this kick-started an unprecedented belief in free…

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Autartic living: living with the seasons

Now that Corona has us tight down, we see that countries are being thrown back on themselves. Local production of medicines and protective clothing is being started up, and there is growing belief that we need to arrange much more locally. Some were already aware of this and explored its…

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