Categorie: EU
Posted by ronald rovers Posted on 2 juli 2023
Posted in agriculture, consuming, deforestation, EU, food, forests, land, landuse
I’m sitting on a terrace on the borders of the Moselle, tasting some local wine. And looking out over the slopes along the Mosel, I come to a rather confrontational observation: we have deforested an enormous area, in order to be able to grow our wine… All the southern slopes…
Posted by ronald rovers Posted on 6 februari 2023
Posted in Embodied Land, EU, government, land, landuse, policies, regulations, urban
A new regulation is in the making in Europe: No net land take. PBL ( NL environmental assessment agency) recently organized a meeting on the topic.[1] It’s an interesting approach and wording, but what’s really the point? First, there is the assumption that no more land should be sacrificed to…