Categorie: balance

GDP=GDE, Gross Domestic Exhaustion.

“The EU must invest more, to avoid falling behind”, economists warned this week. “Otherwise, in 50 years we will be the open-air museum for the rest of the world”. Well, if we do, invest more, society might end in a collapse, and in 50 years we will have to go…

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Living by Human invented laws or Physical laws …

It’s enough to drive you crazy while reading the newspapers, listen to interviewers on the radio, or hear news reporters: no one asks fundamental questions or wonders about the hidden effects of partial or optimisticaly presented solutions. Everything remains stuck in well-meaning supportive chatter. “Yes, circular economy, that’s it, we’ll…

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Paying the fish? Yes and no. And yes…!

After writing about “paying the fish,” it kept on nagging me. [1] Because it remains a search for the true essence of money, or in other words, the essence of compensating each other for labor and services without ruining everything. I’d like to share this here and am open to…

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about Old (indigenous) and New ( physical) Knowledge

I’m not much into a kind of spiritual approach, at least, as a beta scientist I’m not sure how to deal with that. I’m more into physics, what can we prove (or at least: what we can’t change…). On a fundamental level that is, not within limited system boundaries where…

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