Categorie: aluminium
A significant part of humanity is engaged in say “pushing papers around” not really contributing to generating value, physical value that is: investing and capturing energy, for example, processing materials, growing plants and food. They are engaged in trading in it, to make as much profit as possible, or writing…
What is better , a friend active in the beverage world asked, recycling aluminium cans or recycling glass bottles? Neither, I immediately replied: always reuse, and never use aluminum. As the Dutch national environmental center reports: a deposit beer bottle is 8 x as environmentally friendly as a disposable bottle….
The introduction to the Dutch version of my book was headed: the world on fire. ( after summer in English available!) “Well”, was often the reaction, “a bit exaggerated, isn’t it? Sounds like doomsday thinking right?” But it is not doomsday thinking, it is a realistic look at what is…
It is remarkable that the kg/m2 approach for buildings , as described in the previous article, is nearly completely absent. That is, nowadays. More then 100 years ago it was regularly used a a criterion in architectural competitions, the lower the better. [1] And famous is Buckminster Fuller, who used…
(master-classes on this topic and others, see on the right) ” What is Circular Building really?” , a Dutch journalist twittered, being confused about the debates going on. Its not clear yet, apparently, so lets give it a try. The word “Building” we all understand, its about the word Circular…
After Paris, no one can go round anymore: every sector will have to contribute to CO2 reduction, even the building and construction sector with regard to its material choices. And why not start immediately with the easiest solutions, the low-hanging fruit so to say, mainly the shamelessly framing of some…
Why we will crash at some moment Travelling around the Netherlands I am amazed constantly by the materials choices made by project developers or architects. Last week I passed a recently (low energy) refurbished office building (ASR in Utrecht, left) , and I see white , pre-formed façade elements. Most…